Materials & Mining

$7.5M of EBITDA delivered for a North American industrial building products manufacturer
- $900M industrial manufacturer servicing the building industry in the United States and Canada
- The company was losing market share as lead times had doubled in duration for complex orders resulting in loyal customers procuring items from competitors
- Engineering team experiencing high turnover as proprietary design software limited growth and career opportunities
- The company needed to protect key customers by reducing lead times for complex orders and eliminate low margin products and accounts
- The goal was to develop a strategy that would optimize existing resources and protect key accounts
- Analyzed sales data over the last 3 years and developed a customer segmentation model with supporting strategies and service levels
- Conducted an operational assessment within marketing, sales, engineering, procurement and manufacturing to identify opportunities
- Facilitated workshops with business unit leads and management to agree upon the sales strategy and service levels from each business unit
- Established a centralized operational center with operational metrics to align the business on sales and production forecasts
- Adjusted the management operating system to enable real time prioritization of customer orders


$7.5M bottom line improvement by implementing a segmented sales strategy that drives engineering, procurement and manufacturing.

15% improvement in engineering outputs by adjusting the delivery model, establishing performance metrics and retaining key talent.

1,800+ customers segmented with specific service levels established and communicated within all business units.